Home Diseases Avian Flu

Avian Flu

Use this page to access key information about Avian Flu (commonly known as Bird Flu) and it’s related dangers.

  • Find generic information about Avian Flu ( Bird Flu ), what it is, where it’s commonly found.
  • Gleam more specific information about the effects of Avian Flu symptoms ( Bird Flu symptoms ) and its impact on the body.
  • Find tips on Bird Flu prevention  and if it can be prevented at all.
  • Finally, find a danger rating to give you a clear indication of how seriously you should take the illness and any Bird Flu precautions you should take.
  • Click on the following link to see the latest outbreaks of Bird Flu

Avian influenza (bird flu)

What is it?
Bird flu affects birds and occasionally pigs. It is highly contagious and spread through droppings and saliva.

What does it do?(bird flu symptoms)
Bird flu normally affects humans only mildly, causing conjunctivitis or flu-like symptoms. But recently, infections have been more severe,  leading to acute respiratory distress, viral pneumonia and other life-threatening complications.

Where is it?
The infection is most common and most virulent in Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

Bird Flu prevention?
Bird flu is predominantly a disease for birds and it is difficult for humans to catch it as it does not readily cross the species barrier. Virtually all the recent cases have been in humans who have lived in close contact with infected birds. There have been virtually no cases of human to human transmission. However, travellers should take the following common sense bird flu precautions:

  • avoid poultry farms or markets
  • avoid close contact with live or dead poultry
  • refrain from eating raw or poorly cooked poultry or poultry products, including blood
  • wash hands frequently with soap and water
  • do not attempt to bring any live birds or poultry products back into the UK.

The UK Government is stockpiling the antiviral drug Oseltamivir but its efficacy against bird flu is uncertain. It is not necessary for travellers to take the drug with them – as no one has ever caught the disease while travelling. There are several vaccines in deployment.

Danger rating: 0/10 at present