Home Diseases Trypanosomiasis


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South American trypanosomiasis

What is it?
South American trypanosomiasis is caused by a parasite called a trypanosoma which enters the body via an insect bite.

Where is it?
It is found in South America and transmitted by the reduviid or ‘kiss’ bug, which lives in the mud or thatch walls of rural dwellings. The parasite is excreted in the bug’s faeces and gets rubbed into a bite wound by the insect itself or through scratching afterwards.

What does it do (Trypanosomiasis symptoms)?
American sleeping sickness develops much more slowly than the African type but the trypanosome enters the lymph glands and eventually the heart and intestine, where it can cause extensive damage.

Where is it ?

The Trypanosomiasis is found exclusively in South America.

Can it be treated?

For Trypanosomiasis treatment there are various anti-trypanosome preparations but the drugs are old and newer treatments are needed.

Is Trypanosomiasis prevention possible?

In South America, travellers can exercise Trypanosomiasis control and avoid the disease easily by selecting accommodation without mud walls or thatch.

Danger rating: 4/10