Garden Gloves

If you have allergies or sensitivities to things in the environment, you will be happy to know that you can now buy extra long garden gloves designed specifically to protect your arms. If you have ever grown and harvest raspberries or roses, you know the dangers associated with these plants and their prickers, so a pair of extra long garden gloves would make yard work much more pleasant.

Traditional Garden Gloves

Traditional garden gloves come in a variety of different textiles to meet the needs of the gardener, but the gloves cover the hands and the wrists. If you are working with plants that have long stems and prickers or thorns, traditional garden gloves do very little protect any part of the arm. If you have ever had to stick your arm into a raspberry bush, you know the dangers associated with the thorns that cover the canes and branches and having extra long garden gloves would make transplanting, harvest, and trimming bushes much less painful.

Types of Extra Long Garden Gloves

Extra long garden gloves also come in a variety of different textiles, like rubber, canvas, and leather to meet the needs of the garden. The difference between the extra long garden gloves and the traditional length gloves is that the extra long gloves cover the forearm up to the elbow. They are usually quite wide at the elbow to accommodate different sizes of arms.

Utilitarian and Whimsical Garden Gloves

Extra long garden gloves can be designed to be utilitarian or a bit whimsical. The part of the glove that covers the hand is usually very utilitarian, but the part that covers the arm is where the whimsy comes into play. Often, if the gloves are designed for women, the forearm is covered with a fun fabric print or with ruffles or some pretty embellishment to make the gloves more fun to wear. Despite the whimsy and embellishments, extra long garden gloves will still help you get the difficult gardening work finished with less pain and discomfort.

Garden Gloves for Allergy Sufferers

For those who have sensitivities to pollen or grasses or other environmental elements, extra long garden gloves can protect your skin. It might be warm outside, so you do not want to wear long sleeves, but the extra long garden gloves can protect the part of the body that is usually the closest to the plant and other greenery. If you purchase extra long garden gloves with rubber forearms, you can truly protect the arms from allergens because the rubber is not permeable by pollens and other allergens.

Where to Buy Extra Long Garden Gloves

Extra long garden gloves can be purchased at your favorite garden supply store or home improvement warehouse. You might be able to find them at fun boutiques and they are available on Etsy. If you are motivated and like to do things yourself, you can even make your own extra long garden gloves by combining traditional garden gloves with long rubber gloves and your favorite embellishments.


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